SFAI Network

JDA is part of the international network of professional firms SFAI. The network has a recognized prestige and it has a presence in more than 115 countries, 320 offices and more than 14,000 professionals.

SFAI provides professional services in:

● Corporate legal consulting

● Human capital

● Tax advice

● Accounting and Auditing

● Management and strategic analysis

Being member of SFAI network allows us to be an international  and recognized firm of prestige, with locations throughout the world and, at the same time, we remain as  a local office, very close to you, a fact that allows us to preserve our independence and serve you in any requirement from your local activities or anywhere else in the world.

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Our membership to SFAI network allows us to offer global solutions.

We lead the project SFAI Spain, a network of national geographic coverage that provides professional high quality services in consultancy and advice.

From our office network we guarantee a uniform and excellent service.

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Basic information on data Protection
Responsible: JDA Expert LegalTax, S.L.P.; Purpose: Sending commercial communications; Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information; Additional Information: You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website: https://www.jda.es/protecciondatos/contactos/.