Our professionals

  • Our professionals 0

    Alba Fernández

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in Insurance and Electric Law. Law Degree. Associated to the IIl·lustre. Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 1

    Alberto Lerena

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in Bank Law. Law Degree by the University Pompeu Fabra. Associate to the Il·lustre. Col·legi d’Advocats of Granollers.

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  • Our professionals 2

    Alicia Villoslada

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Labor Area. Labor advisor. Business Administration and Labor Relations at Centro de Estudios Financieros Madrid.

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  • Alin Boeangiu

    Legal area. Lawyer. Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master of Access to the Legal Profession from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Civil Procedural Law from the Center for Legal Studies and Research of Madrid. Specialist in Civil, Commercial and Real Estate Law. Member of the Illustrious Bar Association of

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  • Our professionals 3

    Andrea Pagán

    Legal area. A lawyer. Graduated in Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master of specialization in Criminal Law at the Barcelona Bar Association.

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  • Our professionals 4

    Àneu Serret

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Labour Advisory. Degree in Labour Relations by Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 5

    Ángel Ouviña

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Tax consultant. Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Master in Legal Advice for Companies at the Center for Financial Studies (CEF of Madrid) – UDIMA. Master's Degree in Taxation and Tax Consulting at the Center for Financial Studies (CEF in Madrid) – UDIMA. Course on Business Restructuring and Corporate Operations at the Center for Financial Studies (CEF in Madrid).

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  • Our professionals 6

    Angie Arévalo

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Administration Area. Technical Administrative accounting administration area. FPI and FPII Administrative Studies.

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  • Anna Buxaderas

  • Our professionals 7

    Aurimar Guedez

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Accounting area Degree in Public Accounting by the University of Carabobo - Venezuela. Master in Administration Mention in Finance (ongoing studies) by the University of Carabobo.

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  • Our professionals 8

    Belén Motllo

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Labour Area. Diploma in Management Secretariat. Bachelor of Science in Education

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  • Our professionals 9

    Brigit Gutiérrez

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Procedural Law of Damages, Law of Traffic, Electricity Law. Head of the Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law Team. Law Degree. Associated to the IIl·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats of Granollers.

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  • Camelia Mone

    Fiscal Area. Tax assistant. Administrative technician at the Carles Vallbona institute.

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  • Our professionals 10

    Carla Isis Brossa

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Fiscal - Accounting Area. Higher Technician in Administration and Finance.

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  • Our professionals 11

    Carlos Alcaraz

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Tax area. Tax consultant. Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 12

    Carme Lloret

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Tax Advisor.

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  • Our professionals 13

    Carme Ros

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Administration Area. Management with Public Administrations and Organizations.

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  • Our professionals 14

    Carmen Mazarrota

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Degree in Economics with specialization in Economic Structure from Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. Foreign Trade Course at Chamber of Commerce in Madrid.

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  • Carmen Ortega

  • Carolina Requena

    Tax – Accounting Area. She graduated in Accounting and Finance from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Móstoles. IRPF course by the Center for Financial Studies.

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  • Our professionals 15

    Chelo Morillo

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Marketing and Communication Area. Responsible of Marketing and Communication. Degree in Sociology by the University of Barcelona. Ph.D. in Communication by the University Ramon Llull. Master in Marketing by the Institut Superior of Marketing. Postgraduated in Business Management by the University of Barcelona.

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  • Christian Gallego

    Fiscal-Accounting Area. Graduate in Administration and Business Management from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Master in Planning and Financial Assessment from the Rey Juan Carlos University

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  • Our professionals 16

    Covadonga Gómez

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Administration Area. Assistant to Legal Area. FPI in administration.

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  • Our professionals 17

    Cristina Capella

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax - Accounting Area. Superior technician in administration and finance.

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  • Cristina Deosdad

    Fiscal Area. Higher Technique in Administration and Finance.

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  • Our professionals 18

    Cristina Díaz

    General Coordinator JDA/SFAI

    Degree in Business Administration and Management by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Degree in Laws from by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Business Administration & Economics at Shanghai International Studies University-Xianda College. Management Development Program - Executive Education, at IESE Business School. Master in Tax Legal Planning and Advice by the Universidad Internacional de Cataluña. Course in Taxation by the College of Economists, Barcelona. Tax Monographic Course, CEF, Center for Financial Studies, Barcelona. Course for Entrepreneurs at IESE Business School.

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  • Our professionals 19

    Cristina Gañán

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Legal area. A lawyer. Economist. Specialist in Commercial, Bankruptcy and Civil Law. Law degree from Pompeu Fabra University. Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Open University of Catalonia. Member of the Barcelona Bar Association.

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  • Cristina Landa

  • Our professionals 20

    Cristina Martínez

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Legal Assistant. Administrative Course, FP, by Escola Politècnica of Barcelona. Course of Legal Secretariat by Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 21

    David Barriga

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Diploma in Labor Relations by the University of Lleida. Technician in Prevention of Labor Risks.

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  • Our professionals 22

    Debora Cabrera

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Legal Area. Legal secretary. Higher Technician in Administration and Finance ( CFGS ). Specialized course in social protocol by the Higher Institute of Protocol and Events.

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  • Our professionals 23

    Dolors Alamà

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Administration Area. Administration Manager. Graduated in Commerce.

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  • Our professionals 24

    Elena Solís

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax-Accounting Area Degree in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Personal Tax Income specialist. Studying a Master's Degree in Business Legal Advice.

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  • Our professionals 25

    Elisabet Torres

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Diploma in Labor Relations by the University of Barcelona. Degree in Labor Science by the University Oberta of Catalunya. Technician in prevention of labor risks.

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  • Our professionals 26

    Elizabeth Cali

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Tax Area. Tax Advisor. Diploma in Business. Associated to Col·legi d’Economistes of Catalunya.

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  • Eloi Buxaderas

  • Our professionals 27

    Esperanza Béjar

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Director of Sabadell Office Law Degree from the University of Castilla-La Mancha Master in Accounting and Tax Advice, FORMALBA Center. Legal Practice Course School of Professional Practice of Laws del Colegio de Abogados de Sabadell.

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  • Our professionals 28

    Esther Frauca

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Tax Department Assistant.

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  • Our professionals 29

    Esther Hernández

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Degree in Labor Science. Diploma in Labor Relations. Certify in Prevention of Labor Risks.

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  • Our professionals 30

    Eugenio Alguacil

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Accounting-Tax Area. Economist. Expert in Consulting, Loyalty Strategies and Business Development. Master in Tourism Business Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Accounting Course by the Center for Financial Studies.

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  • Our professionals 31

    Eva García

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Specialist in Labor Contracts. Technician in Administrations.

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  • Our professionals 32

    Francisco García de Vinuesa

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Business Consulting from CEREM Bussiness School. Diploma in Labor Consulting from the Center for Higher Business Studies.

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  • Our professionals 33

    Francisco Marín

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Adminstration assistance.

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  • Our professionals 34

    Gabriel de la Cruz

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Director of JDA SFAI Madrid. Economist. Active member of the Association of Economists of Euskadi and of the Association of Accounting and Tax Experts of Spain.

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  • Our professionals 35

    Gema Gómez

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Labor area. Labor consultant. Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 36

    Inmaculada Navarro

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Tax consultant. Master in International Accounting and Financial Management from URJC. Graduated in Management and Public Administration from the UCLM. Senior Technician in Administration and Finance.

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  • Our professionals 37

    Isabel López de Cuellar

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax-Accounting Area tax advisor Administrative Specialist Technician by Instituto de Formación Profesional Luis Vives.

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  • Our professionals 38

    Isabel Molinero

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Labor area. Labor consultant. Degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Expert in socio-labor, planning in the field of social benefits, prevention of occupational risks, negotiation, conflicts.

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  • Our professionals 39

    Javier Díez

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Àrea fiscal. Llicenciatura en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Màster en Direcció Financera i Comptable de l'Empresa a l'IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Llicenciatura en Economia a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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  • Our professionals 40

    Jéssica Montilla

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Legal Assistant. Training Cycle Degree in Administration and Finance by the Escola Municipal del Treball. Course of Legal Secretariat at l’Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 41

    Joan Barba

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in Bank Law, Mortgage Law, Civil Law and Civil Court Proceedings. Head of Bank Law team. Law Degree by the UAB. Associated to the IIl·lustre. Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 42

    Joan Díaz

    Director General JDA SFAI

    Founding member and General Manager of JDASFAI. Chartered accounts since 1988. Professor for Audit at the University of Barcelona. Degree in Economics and Business by the University Autónoma of Barcelona. Master in Tax Law, Master in Audit and Master in Public Sector Procedures. Bankruptcy Administrator. Commercial Mediator. Member of the International Executive Committee, and Vice-president I of Santa Fe Associates International, an international network of professional services firms based in the US since 2015. Member of the Board of Directors of the Fomento de Trabajo Nacional, since 2015. President of the Mutual Insurance company of Granollers, between 2003 and 2012.

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  • Our professionals 43

    Joan Roura

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Director of Tax Area. Tax advisor. Director Diploma in Business Science by the E.U.EE of Barcelona. Professor for Master and Posgratuation courses in Microsoft Dynamics Solutions by the University of Vic.

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  • Our professionals 44

    Jordi Brunet

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specializing in Civil, Family and Labor Law. Law Degree by the University Autónoma of Barcelona. Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Open University of Catalonia. Certified for Occupational Regulations at Public Administrations.

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  • Our professionals 45

    Jordi Díaz

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Consultancy Area. Director of Consultancy Area. Member of the team for Compliance and Criminal Risks Prevention. Degree in Economy.

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  • Our professionals 46

    Jordi Esteban

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    IT Area. Head of processes and quality of JDA. Industrial Engineer with specialty in electrical by the UPC.

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  • Our professionals 47

    Jordi Garrigós

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labor Area. Labor Advisor. Diploma of Labor Relations by the UAB. Technician in Prevention of Occupational Risks by Centre CCC of Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 48

    Jordi Pavón

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    IT Area. Responsible Computer Systems. Degree of Computer Science by the UOC. G.F. Superior of Computer Systems by the University of Girona. ITEM. Computing by the University of Girona.

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  • Our professionals 49

    Juan Antonio Soto

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Specialist in Procedural Law. Graduated in Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master's degree in Corporate Legal Advice from the UOC. Collegiate in Iltre. Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 50

    Juan José Martínez

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Director Barcelona Office. Director Tax Area. Tax Advisor. Diploma in Business and Bachelor of Economics by the University of Barcelona. Subinspector of Taxation from AEAT from 1986 to 1993 (currently on leave). Professor of Tax Law of Administration of the University of South Carolina, with site in Catalonia. Auditor of Accounts.

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  • Our professionals 51

    Lali Arias

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Fiscal area. Tax advisor. Business Administration and Management from the Carlos III University of Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 52

    Laura Lloberas

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Legal Assistant. Specialist in Payment Recoveries and Bank Law. Technician in Administration and Finance (CFGS).

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  • Our professionals 53

    Leticia Díaz

    Tax Area. Degree in Business Administration by the University of Barcelona. Degree and Master in Laws by  Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Specialist in commercial companies  by Lex Nova.

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  • Our professionals 54

    Lluis Valls

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Procedural and financial Law department. Specialist in Civil and Criminal Procedural Law, and in the field of Data Protection. Degree in Autonomous University of Barcelona. Member of Bar Association of Granollers.

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  • Our professionals 55

    Lucía Maseras

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Psychologist / Human Resources. Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postgraduate in Management and Administration of Human Resources and Degree in PRL.

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  • Our professionals 56

    Luis de Diego

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Legal Area. Law student at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Legal trainee with excellent experience in the world of law.

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  • Our professionals 57

    Mª Belén Payà

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Accounting and tax assistant. Technic in Administration by IES Carles Vallbona.

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  • Our professionals 58

    María Dolores García

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in civil, contractual and extracontractual liability, criminal law, litigation, and matrimonial law. Law Degree by the University of Autónoma of Barcelona. Advanced Studies in International Trade Law. Associated to the IIl·lustre. Col·legi d'Advocats of Granollers.

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  • Our professionals 59

    Maria Dolors Llaurado

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Processing of contracts, registrations, transactions INSS. Technician in Administration.

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  • Our professionals 60

    María Jesús Andreo

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax Area. Training Administration, accounting and financial statement analysis. Specific training in taxation of Pymes.

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  • Our professionals 61

    Mariela Asensio

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Tax Advisor. Degree in Business by the University of Barcelona. Master in Tax Advice by CEF (Centro de Estudios Financieros).

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  • Our professionals 62

    Marta Ballesteros

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Fiscal-Accounting Area. Employee Course in Financial Management. Computer Management Secretariat validated by Deeside College. FP II Higher Technician in Computer Management.

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  • Our professionals 63

    Marta Martín

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer graduated in law from the University of Barcelona. Master of access to the legal profession from the University of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 64

    Marta Miret

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax Area. Degree in Business Administration and Management from the UOC. Diploma in Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Master in Taxation and Tax Consulting from the Center for Financial Studies.

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  • Our professionals 65

    Marta Sánchez

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Accounting area and external management. Expert in Document Management. Diploma in Social Graduate from the University of Salamanca.

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  • Our professionals 66

    Melanie Rubio

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Consultancy Area. Superior Technician in Administration and Finance (CFGS). Student of Administration and Business Management Degree.

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  • Our professionals 67

    Mercedes Alumbreros

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Fiscal-Accounting Area. Graduated in Economics from the University of Granada. Master's Degree in Taxation and Tax Advice from the College of Economists of Granada.

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  • Our professionals 68

    Mercedes Moya

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Accounting-Fiscal Area. Administrative FPII.

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  • Our professionals 69

    Miguel Ángel Pizarro

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax Area. CFGS in Administration and Finance oriented to international trade.

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  • Our professionals 70

    Miguel Orellana

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Diploma in Labor Relations by the University of Lleida. Social Graduated no. 3601 CGSB. Technical in Labor Risks by the Generalitat of Catalunya. Master in Human Resources Management by EAE, UPC.

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  • Our professionals 71

    Miquel Pavón

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    IT Area. Senior Technician in Systems and Computer Applications. Technical Engineering in Computer Systems by the UOC. G.F.G.S. Computer Application Designer in IES Carles Vallbona. G.F.G.S. IT Systems Administrator in IES Carles Vallbona.

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  • Our professionals 72

    Miquel Rebordosa

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Labour Area. Social Graduated. Labour Administrative specialist specializing in the processing of contracts, affiliations, termination, INSS management, TGSS and payment of payroll and social security. Business manager.

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  • Our professionals 73

    Míriam Llena

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Assistant. Training Higher course in Administration and Finance. Master in Labor Relations Efem.

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  • Our professionals 74

    Mónica Aguayo

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Senior Administrative Technician (FPII). Labor Technician by the Center for Financial Studies (CEF). Specialization in labor matters at the Official College of Social Graduates.

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  • Our professionals 75

    Montse Gracia

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Tax Area. Director of the Tax Area of ​​the Barcelona Office. Tax advisor and expert economist. Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Postgraduate in Financial Management (auditing specialty) by IDEC. Collegiate at Col.legi Economistes de Catalunya.

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  • Our professionals 76

    Montserrat Castilla

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Diploma in Labor Relations. Postgraduated in Organization of Information Systems for Companies. Degree in History. Diploma in Library and Information Science.

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  • Our professionals 77

    Montserrat Farrés

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Tax Advisor. Associated to Col·legi d'Economistes of Barcelona. Diploma in Business Science by University Autónoma of Barcelona. Degree in Economy by the University Autonoma of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 78

    Nairelys López

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Secretary. Accounting at Centro de Estudios Financieros from Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 79

    Núria García

    Degree in Business Sciences at University of Barcelona. Specialty in taxation.

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  • Our professionals 80

    Núria Monrabal

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax Area. Degree in Business Administration by EAE Business School.

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  • Our professionals 81

    Olga Cavero

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Business Management and technical recruitment and INSS. FPI Technical and Commercial Administrative Assistant. FPII of Informatic Management.

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  • Our professionals 82

    Paula Fernández

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Tax Area Law degree from Abat Oliba CEU University Master in Tax Law from the University of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 83

    Pedro Manso

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Degree in Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid. Master's Degree in Account Auditing by the Center for Financial Studies.

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  • Our professionals 84

    Pilar Jiménez

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax-Accounting Area. Lawyer. Expert in accounting management and consulting of companies from multiple sectors of activity. Degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Diploma in Tax Law at the School of Legal Practice.

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  • Our professionals 85

    Pilar Medina

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in Commercial, Civil and Procedural Law. Degree in economic legal law from the University of Deusto (Bilbao). Master in legal practice of Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia (ICASV). Member of Ilustre Colegio de Abogados of Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 86

    Raül Alegre

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Labour Area. Diploma in Social Graduated by the University Rovira i Virgili. Technician in Prevention of Occupational Risks by the labor Department of the Generalitat. Associated to IIl·lustre Col·legi of Graduats Socials of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 87

    Rebeca García

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Administration area. Accounting Administrative. Secretary and Administration Training.

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  • Our professionals 88

    Rina Salvago

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Administration Area. Administration Assistant. Customer Service.

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  • Our professionals 89

    Rocío Calvo

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Labor Area. Labor advisor. Payroll Technician. Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 90

    Rosa Carvajal

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Administration Area Administrative and commercial FPII. Accounting and tax specialization

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  • Our professionals 91

    Sandra Gómez

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Administration Area. Administration Assistant

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  • Our professionals 92

    Santiago Garcia

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Degree in Law. Collegiate in the Iltre. Col·legi d'Advocats of Mataró. Certificate in formation on Governance & Compliance. Certificate in training on the criminal responsibility of the legal person.

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  • Our professionals 93

    Silvana Villegas

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Fiscal-Accounting Area. Graduate in Business Sciences. Accounting and Auditing Specialty by the Univeridad Autónoma de Madrid.

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  • Our professionals 94

    Sílvia García

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Accountant. Technical Administrative Specialist. Certified training in foreign trade. Certified in Financial Economic Management Training. Certified Training in Accounting Analysis.

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  • Our professionals 95

    Silvia González

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Tax Area. Accounting and tax assistant. Technic in Administration.

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  • Our professionals 96

    Sílvia Sallarés

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Legal Area. Lawyer. Specialist in Civil, Criminal and Commerce Law. Coordinator of the team for Compliance and Criminal Risks Prevention. Law Degree. Associated to the IIl·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 97

    Sonia Martínez

    JDA SFAI Granollers

    Financial Consulting in R&D and Innovation Area. R+D+i Consultant. Specialist in Public Aid and Tax Incentives for R+D+i Diploma in Business Studies from the UB. Postgraduate in Business Administration and Management by EAE.

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  • Our professionals 98

    Susana de Abreu Pita

    Accounting-Tax Area. Degree in Public Accounting from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela). Specialization in Administration and Finance (Spain).

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  • Our professionals 99

    Susana de la Cuesta

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Tax Area. Administrative Officer.

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  • Our professionals 100

    Sylvia Mena

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Degree in Translation and Interpreting from Pompeu Fabra University. Master in Scientific and Technical Translation from IDEC, Pompeu Fabra University. Postgraduate in Mediation and Social Action from Ramon Llull University.

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  • Our professionals 101

    Víctor de Castro

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Legal-Fiscal Area. Tax attorney. Graduated in Law and Economics from Pompeu Fabra University. Degree in Political Science from the Open University of Catalonia. Master’s Degree in Taxation from IDEC-UPF. Member of the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya and the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors.

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  • Our professionals 102

    Xavier Altadill

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area Manager. Labour Lawyer. Law Degree. Master in labor Law. Associated to IIl·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 103

    Xavier Mercader

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Tax-accounting area. Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Barcelona.

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  • Our professionals 104

    Yolanda Cavero

    JDA SFAI Barcelona

    Labour Area. Labour Advisor. Technical recruitment and immigration. FPI Management.

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  • Our professionals 105

    Yolanda Jimeno

    JDA SFAI Madrid

    Accounting Area. Fiscal Administration and Commercial Technician (FP). Accounting and Administrative Management Course for Auditing.

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  • Our professionals 106

    Yolanda Tejero

    JDA SFAI Sabadell

    Tax Area Law degree from Abat Oliba CEU University Master in Tax Law from the University of Barcelona.

    ... Read more

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